Unusual Agriculture Milk Scholarships from DHIA

Unusual Agriculture Milk Scholarships from DHIA are dairy scholarships

Have you ever heard of the DHIA and their unusual milk agriculture scholarships? DHIA is short for the National Dairy Herd Information Association. Unless you’re a student interested in a degree in agriculture or dairy science, this may not mean very much to you. But if you are planning to earn a degree in dairy production, marketing, or research, you may be interested to find about the unique milk scholarship opportunities available through this nationwide organization.

Interested in learning more about your chances in taking advantage of this unusual scholarship in dairy to earn agricultural scholarship monies for college?

To qualify for this dairy scholarship in agriculture, a member of your immediate family must either be on DHIA test, or be employed by the organization that uses DHIA testing. Students whose immediate family members are employed by the DHIA, or by an affiliate of the association, are also eligible to apply for these agriculutural scholarships in dairy. If you want to apply for this dairy scholarship for agriculture, be aware that academic achievement and community involvement are important in selecting a scholarship winner. Furthermore, you must be enrolled in or attending a two- or four-year program at an accredited university degree program in the United States.
This scholarship for agricultural students is funded primarily through the annual auction, which is held by the DHIA. Contributions to the milk scholarship fund through individual donations and investments allows the DHIA to continue their tradition of working to support students pursuing careers in fields related to agriculture.
The deadline for the year’s agriculture scholarship awards are that applications must be postmarked no later than September 30. The Association makes the decision concerning the winners in February, and announces the winners each year at the Annual National Meeting. Last year, 25 students received agriculture scholarships worth $500 each, and this year’s winners will soon be announced.
Another scholarship in agricultural majors that is closely related to this one is the National Milk Producers Federation National Dairy Leadership Scholarship. Unlike the DHIA agricultural scholarship, however, the Dairy Leadership Milk Scholarship is awarded to graduate students who are interested in conducting research about the dairy industry.
The Dairy Leader Scholarship is one of the few dairy scholarships in agriculture that are also available to students enrolled in PhD programs. Students from a wide variety of agriculture-related fields, including herd management, nutrition, food safety, and journalism are also eligible to apply for this dairy scholarship.
The 2009 winners for this milk scholarship for agriculture have not yet been announced, but a total of four PhD students received milk scholarships for their research studies in 2008. All of these studies were related directly to the improvement of health in dairy animals or increasing milk production in those animals.

Milk can certainly do your college funds some good, particularly if you are interested in earning a degree in agriculture or dairy management. Remember, though, that your name won’t be one of those listed as winning one of these milk scholarships for agriculture, unless you take the time to apply. Get ready for the deadline now, so you don’t miss out on your chance to win these unusual scholarships!

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